Monday, 18 November 2013

Monday, November 18th

Now, I mentioned that This Guy worked at a watch store, correct?

He had this one coworker, Dave. 

Now, let's back up a bit. If I had to sum up This Guy in one sentence, he would have this name because the most apt line would proabably be: "He's just THIS fucking guy."

But Dave? That's a whole other story. Dave's sentence would be something more like: "He's just this FUCKING guy."
Dave dates on-again off-again girlfriend, Anna, and I would say something like "they are meant for each other", but fuck that.
Anna makes Dave miserable but Dave thinks this is how relationships are supposed to be.

This Guy gets to be at the receiving end of Dave's bullshit, cause Dave is too pansy to talk to Anna. And most of the time, it's fine. Because This Guy doesn't mind, that's what friends are for. But what chokes This guy up time and time again, is when Dave tries to give This Guy relationship advice.

And on this day, there was one thing that just pushed This Guy to the edge.

Was it Dave's constant bullshit for such an easy solution? Nope.
Was it Dave's predictable mopey attitude after a fight with Anna? Nope. 
Was it Dave telling This Guy how he just needs to get laid? Nope. Well... Sorta, but nope.

You want to know what it was? 

It was sweat pants. Dave had the audacity to wear sweat pants to work, and to think it would be alright! How absurd!
And while a lot of people will take team sweats on this one based purely on the comfort factor of sweat pants, This Guy does not consider that a good reason.

So for Dave to come into work dressed in sweats, and for Dave to tell This Guy that he's not finding happiness in women because of the way he dresses... Too far, buddy.

But all of this got This Guy thinking. Could he date a girl who likes sweats? Every human being on the planet earth EXCEPT This Guy likes sweats!
He even began sweating at the thought of being forced to wear sweats.

This Guy has a revelatory thought. Maybe THAT'S why they're called sweat pants.

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